Members of St. James are involved in many community activities and groups, including the following:
Friends of the Library - 436-1681
Innisfil Historical Society - 436-2578 (Donna Wice)
Painswick Horticultural Society - 436-5292 (John Craw)
Meals on Wheels - 436-3318 (Bob Davis)
Canadian Cancer Society - 726-8032 (Local Branch Office)
Hospice Simcoe - 722-5995
Royal Victoria Hospital Auxillary Volunteer Services - 739-5650
A message from Cheryl Curtis, Manager, Mission & Service Giving, United Church of Canada:"Thank you for all you do to live out Jesus' teachings of abundance. What an amazing version of the salt and light story the people of The United Church of Canada tell with our lives! God's compassionate, hope-fulfilling, community-strengthening presence is made real by our generosity. Today, I am especially thankful for your generosity for Mission & Service in 2016. I am grateful to the people of Stroud: St. James Pastoral Charge for giving $16,850 for Mission & Service. Together we gave $25,322,586 in 2016 for Mission & Service.
Mission & Service giving means that families needing food and care are welcomed and fed, people who are sick in hospital are visited and accompanied, people needing justice declare their call for rights with a supportive community, and people needing housing find shelter and security. It also means that students receive bursaries for their journey to becoming ministers, churches testing innovative ministry ideas get funding and coaching, people from the margins find a welcome and a home in our church, and searchers find spaces of belonging."